I'm going to be cliche and write what I'm thankful for. Ready? Here goes:
I'm thankful for a God who loves me!
I'm thankful for friends who can make me laugh at any moment!
I'm thankful for my family who supports me in every decision!
I'm thankful for a job in this tough economy, even when I hate it sometimes!
I'm thankful for a place to live, and food on my plate every day.
I'm thankful to have a car.
I'm thankful that I have clothing.
I'm thankful that even when I'm sinful, Jesus still loves me!
I'm thankful for the patience that God is teaching me to have.
I'm thankful for music!
I'm thankful for fall weather!
I'm thankful for this beautiful earth we live on!
I'm thankful for little children that say the darndest things!
I'm thaknful for people that make me want to be a better person!
I'm thankful for the things God has shown me that are yet to come!
I'm thankful for heartfelt conversations with people I care about!
I'm thankful for the opportunity to spread Gods word!
I'm thankful for the ability to take walks and look at the stars!
I'm thankful for God showing me what I should do with my life!
Whew! I could go on for days. But that is some of the many things I'm thankful for!
As I sat down during my quiet time today, I started looking back at some of the things I'm so thankful for in my past. What moments really took me by storm to help mold me into the person I am today? I started thinking about the mission trips I took back in highschool. I was a young 16 year old who wanted nothing more than to serve God and have fun with my friends! Our church decided to take a trip to the Bahamas to run Vacation Bible School, and do a bit of manual labor at local churches.
It was the trip of a lifetime! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun while also doing the Lords work.
One moment in particular I will cherish forever.
The picture above pretty much sums up the entire trip for me. The look on my face, and the joy on the childrens faces. It was such a blessing. I'm so thankful for that moment and for that picture.
It's one of the many reasons I long to do childrens ministry. As I'm still praying about what I'm to do in school, that picture helps me remember that Jesus loves the little children. That they are the future for our world. They hold the key to what becomes of us. And as I'm still asking God's direction in what It is he would have me do in this life. I find great peace in glorifying his name in childrens ministry!
Have a blessed Turkey Day!