Tuesday, November 24, 2009


One thing in life that I've always had a passion for, one thing that I just always felt on my heart was right, was to stick up for the little people. To fight for the underdog. It didn't matter what the situation was. It could be someone about to get beat up by a group of bullies, someone who wanted to be with someone else so bad but couldn't get their attention, or someone who had no chance of making friends on their own. I fought for them. I helped them. It wasn't because I had too, or I felt bad for them. It was because I believe that everyone deserves a voice. Everyone deserves to be heard. Everyone deserves to love and be loved.

To this day, I still love the underdog stories. I'll volunteer to help friends, and even sometimes strangers.

Now, I'm not here to blog about how great I am because I help others, or what an awesome person I am for my good deeds. Far from it!

My passion to help others is due to the fact that Christ first helped us out! We were dead in our sins. We were beaten down. Our sins kept us from greatness. But when God sent Jesus to die for us, it was the greatest underdog story ever.
Jesus not being the underdog, of course. But us.. our selfish, sinful, disgusting selves. We are the ones who need the help. We need the guidance. We need love from an all sufficient savior.

The best part about it is... GOD LOVES TO GIVE US THAT! He makes it a point to help us out when we can't help ourselves. We don't have a voice of our own, and we can't forgive our own sins. But Christ does speak for us! We're the little guys. The world doesn't care about us, but Christ DOES!

So, that is my challenge to anyone who reads this. It's the challenge I give myself every day. Seek the underdog. Show them the love that Jesus first showed us! You'll be blessed beyond what you could expect. Thats the beauty of our God. If we have a servants heart, he is faithful to his promises. Promises of love and hope!

Just my thoughts for tonight. Never give up! No matter what the obstacles are in front of you. If Christ proclaims his words into your heart, then you should pursue them until the very end. If you're the underdog, then heed to God's word. If you need a friend -- I love you! But better yet, Christ loves you!

I've been trying to spice up the blogs a bit! I'll get more in depth, and not so preachy all the time. But I really felt like I needed to speak on this tonight. Until next time... ;-)

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